Project Description

Nickel additive for the galvanizing bath

Phosphorus (P), carbon (C) and silicon (Si) are important components in the rolling of steels to guarantee the latter certain mechanical performances. The Sandelin curve describes how, in hot-dip galvanizing, as the silicon (Si) content varies, so to does the growth of the zinc-iron alloy.

At certain silicon values, these growths occur greatly, causing problems of coating adhesion, excessive zinc absorption, covering-alloy embrittlement, and loss of surface brightness. It is now known that the solution to these problems is to add metallic nickel (Ni) to the galvanizing bath.

As an alternative to the current methods of adding nickel (Ni), Soprin has its own practical, flexible and economical solution: ZiNiBOX.

ZiNiBOX is an innovative (patented) way to add Nickel to the zinc bath.

Its zinc packaging and the nickel powder it contains make the product immediately available in the tank, with a yield, in terms of dissolved nickel, of approximately 80%, and with a lower nickel consumption than systems traditionally used.


  • Cheaper compared to other methods;
  • Simple to use;
  • Tests carried out have proven a performance in terms of dissolved nickel of about 80%;
  • It makes the material shiny;
  • It does not produce smoke and flames in use;
  • It does not produce substances that may interfere with the fume-filtration systems of the galvanizing kettle bath;
  • Safe to handle because it does not expose operators to contact with hazardous substances;